All about shipping


We fulfill all orders within 2-3 business days. Each order is carefully packed and checked by one of us.

Your order will ship from PEI via Canada Post and you will receive a tracking number via email as soon as one is available.

Canada Post Expedited Parcel, our standard shipping option, takes 2-8 days (see delivery standards).

Free Shipping

Free Expedited Parcel shipping to anywhere in Canada is available on all orders over $50.

Orders under $50 will have shipping calculated at checkout.

Express Shipping

Express shipping options such as Canada Post's next day Priority and 1-2 day Xpresspost services are also available for selection at checkout.

Shipping to Epekwitk / PEI

Friendly fellow residents of our fair isle, we are happy to try arrange a mutually convenient delivery / pickup on your order over $20. That option will be available to you at checkout and we'll get in touch with you once we receive your order.

Other questions?

If you have any questions at all, just hit the little chat icon on this screen or get in touch with us via our contact page.